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Event Overview

Smithers industry-leading Quantum Dot Forum and co-located Phosphor Global Summit events have combined to form the Phosphors & Quantum Dots Industry Forum - where industry and academia meet. This event provides a unique opportunity for delegates to gather a wide range of relevant information while participating in collaborative discussions, and intimate networking opportunities, uniting key players from all stages of development to explore the bright future of this rapidly evolving and vibrant marketplace.

Featuring programming designed to provide the latest insights and industry updates related to display, lighting, medical, agriculture, and more, this unique event also explores recent advancements and developments in research and academia that will impact the industry, and includes discussions on various themes such as emerging applications, novel materials, common industry challenges, complementary solutions, and shared opportunities that are material inclusive and relevant to the entire marketplace.

Who Attends This Event?

The Phosphors & Quantum Dots Industry Forum is
regularly attended by some of the biggest influencers in
the lighting and display marketplace, including;

End users, raw materials and chemical suppliers,
component suppliers, manufacturers, industry consultants, academia, and more!

Download a sample list of past attendees:


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